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Why aren't these constraints working properly on iPad 9.7“ and 12.9”?

I have the following view...

在iPhone6s / iPhone7上显示

The problem I have is displaying this view on iPad 12.9" and iPad 9.7" the constraints I have setup don't seem to work at all. here are the contraints



But when displayed on iPad 9.7" this is what it looks like... 在iPad 9.7上显示的视图

Where am I going wrong? What should the constraints be so that this simple view can be laid out properly on iPhone6s, iPhone7 plus, iPad 9/7" and iPad 12.7"?? I don't even care if the iPad views are perfect, just so long as all the buttons are visible so that I can get Apple to stop rejecting my app for not supporting iPad.

You have not set Universal (iPhone + iPad) type as the supported application devices. That is why it displays iPhone screen with scaling factor 1x,2x on iPad.


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