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LARAVEL - Show products to related category

I'm trying to show products related to the category. In my menu I have a list of categories if I click this category i want to see related products to this category. I'm just learning laravel can somebody help me out..


 -categories: ID, NAME
 -products: has Category_id


Route::get('/category' , [
    'uses' => 'productController@getCategory',
    'as' => 'category.single'


public function getCategory($category) {
    $singleCategory = Category::find($category);
    return view('pages.category', ['category' => $singleCategory]);

How do I go from here?

As per the following lines:

$singleCategory = Category::find($category);
return view('pages.category', ['category' => $singleCategory]);

category list is available on pages.category page under $category . Its a Collection object, you can access its object by using foreach() loop.

How do I go from here?

I don't know.

But for your problem, if you want to get the products of a Category just do:

$singleCategory = Category::find($category);
$products = $singleCategory->products;

(I assume you added a products method in your Category model, if not, read this: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many ).

Then you can display your products by looping on your products:

foreach($products as $product) { 
     echo $product->name; 

in Category.php Model add a relation

public function products()
  return $this->hasMany('App\Product');

then you can call


and you'll get you products by category_id

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