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Google groups settings SDK ( python ) doesn't seem to make a difference between " Anyone can ask " and " Anyone in the organisation can ask " to join permissions.

The whoCanJoin permission parameter only allows the following values : ANYONE_CAN_JOIN ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_JOIN INVITED_CAN_JOIN CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN

When I set the permission to CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN , only the setting " Anyone in the organisation can ask " gets checked.


Even when I manualy check the " Anyone can ask " permission. The settings JSON stays the same :

{u'allowExternalMembers': u'true', u'allowGoogleCommunication': u'false', u'allowWebPosting': u'true', u'archiveOnly': u'false', u'customFooterText': u'', u'customReplyTo': u'', u'defaultMessageDenyNotificationText': u'', u'description': u"---------", u'email': u'---------@orga.com', u'includeCustomFooter': u'false', u'includeInGlobalAddressList': u'true', u'isArchived': u'false', u'kind': u'groupsSettings#groups', u'maxMessageBytes': 26214400, u'membersCanPostAsTheGroup': u'false', u'messageDisplayFont': u'DEFAULT_FONT', u'messageModerationLevel': u'MODERATE_NONE', u'name': u'----------', u'replyTo': u'REPLY_TO_IGNORE', u'sendMessageDenyNotification': u'false', u'showInGroupDirectory': u'false', u'spamModerationLevel': u'MODERATE', u'whoCanAdd': u'ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_ADD', u'whoCanContactOwner': u'ANYONE_CAN_CONTACT', u'whoCanInvite': u'ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_INVITE', u'whoCanJoin': u'CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN', u'whoCanLeaveGroup': u'ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_LEAVE', u'whoCanPostMessage': u'ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST', u'whoCanViewGroup': u'ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW', u'whoCanViewMembership': u'ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW'}

Would anyone know how to programmaticaly set this setting to both " Anyone can ask " and " Anyone in the organisation can ask " ?

Found the answer, it must be done in two commands : First allow external members, then set whoCanJoin settings and other rights.

Setting both in one settings body doesn't work.

def set_settings(self, group_mail, settings, batch=None):
    req = self.service.groups().update(

    if batch:

def allow_external_members(self, group_mail, batch=None):
    self.set_settings(group_mail, {"allowExternalMembers": "true"}, batch)

def allow_join_request(self, group_mail, batch=None):
    self.set_settings(group_mail, {"whoCanJoin": "CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN"}, batch)

Would anyone know how to programmaticaly set this setting to both "Anyone can ask" and "Anyone in the organisation can ask" ?

You're asking how to set the whoCanJoin property so that "Anyone can ask" and "Anyone in the organisation can ask"?

The answer is to set the whoCanJoin property to CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN . You don't need to (and cannot) set it to multiple values because this single value ensures that anyone , including those in your organisation, can ask to join.

Here is a link to the documentation for the underlying Group Settings API .

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