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how to iterate through xml file in groovy script

I am trying to iterate through several XML files to compare the data in them. (large data sample). I would prefer to do this in a groovy script because of the project setup.

The XML layout is something like this: (fake data)

<service name='name' pattern='something' isReliable='maybe'>
  <receiver name='name' isUsingTwoWaySsl='maybe' isWsRmDisabled='maybe' targetedByTransformation='maybe'>
    <endpoint name='local_tst01'>URL</endpoint>
    <endpoint name='local_tst02'>URL</endpoint>
    <endpoint name='local_tst03'>URL</endpoint>
    <environment name='dev' default='local_dev' />
    <environment name='tst01' default='test' />
    <environment name='tst02' default='local_tst02' />
  <operation name='name'>
    <attribute name='operation' type='String'>name</attribute>

How do i iterate through, for example, all the 'endpoint' child elements?

keep in mind that I have a very large data sample, and prefer a somewhat standardised solution for this. As I have to go through a lot of different types of child elements.

You can do a depth-first search like so:

def xml = '''<service name='name' pattern='something' isReliable='maybe'>
  <receiver name='name' isUsingTwoWaySsl='maybe' isWsRmDisabled='maybe' targetedByTransformation='maybe'>
    <endpoint name='local_tst01'>URL</endpoint>
    <endpoint name='local_tst02'>URL</endpoint>
    <endpoint name='local_tst03'>URL</endpoint>
    <environment name='dev' default='local_dev' />
    <environment name='tst01' default='test' />
    <environment name='tst02' default='local_tst02' />
  <operation name='name'>
    <attribute name='operation' type='String'>name</attribute>

new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
                .findAll { it.name() == 'endpoint' }
                .each { node ->
                    println "Found node with attributes ${node.attributes()} and body ${node.text()}"

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