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Query multiple many-to-many relationship with linq c#

I have three tables in my database Game, Role and Player. Between Game and Role I have a many to many relationship and between Role and Player. I also have a one to many relationship between Game and Player. I have used Entity Framework to map my tables. What I am trying to achieve is to get all the players under specific gameID and roleID.

    public IList<Game> GetGamesRolePlayer(int? gameID, int? roleID)

        using (DbContextdb = new DbContext())
            db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

            if (gameID.HasValue && !roleID.HasValue)
                var query1 = (from g in db.Game.Include(r => r.Role)
                              where g.ID == gameID
                              select g).ToList();
                _games = query1;
                return _games;

            if (gameID.HasValue && roleID.HasValue)
                var query2 = (from g in db.Game
                              from r in db.Role.Include(p => p.Player)
                              where g.ID == game && r.ID == roleID
                              select g).ToList();
                _games = query2;
                return _games;
            var query = from game in db.Game select game;
            _games = query.Include(r => r.Role).ToList();
            return _games;

I though you need the players but your code is telling another thing. If you need the games,you can build the following query using navigation properties:

using (DbContextdb = new DbContext())
        db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
        IQueryable<Game> query=db.Game.Include(g=>g.Roles);

        if (gameID.HasValue)

        if (roleID.HasValue)

        return query.ToList();

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