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React typescript extending a container

I'm trying to create a base class, wrap that in a container, and then extending this within my other components.

Here is a simplified example:

let state = new State();
class Base extends React.Component<{}, {}> {


const Container = state.connect(
    () => {
        return {

    () => {
        return {


class S extends Container {


This, however, is returning an error:

`error TS2507: Type 'any' is not a constructor function type.`. 

If I extend the Base directly, it works fine, but then how would I get access to the state and dispatch actions that I'd put into the container?


I created the following interface (omitting templates for simplicity)

interface IState {
    connect: (
        mapStateToProps: () => any,
        mapDispatchToProps: () => any,
    ) => (component: typeof React.Component) => typeof React.Component

let state: IState = new State();

Now class extension does not throw any error. However, the original Base class is never called! Only the constructor of the Connect method is called.

The idea here is that I will have an abstract component and container (all the dispatch actions are on the container). And I can then extend this component from my other classes. However, since the container contains all the dispatch actions, then I need to extend the container, not the component.

I think you can reuse the value returned by state.connect() .

let state = new State();
class Base extends React.Component<{}, {}> {

class S extends Base {

const containerFactory = state.connect(
    () => {
        return {}
    () => {
        return {}

const BaseContainer = containerFactory(Base);
const SContainer = containerFactory(S);

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