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how to add multipe ClassAdmin for one entity in symfony sonata bundle

I have a Admin class name VenteAdmin.php with entity Vente :

class VentesAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
        // ... 

    protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagridMapper)


    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)


    protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper)


this is my services.yml :

        class: AppBundle\Admin\VentesAdmin
        arguments: [~, AppBundle\Entity\Ventes, ~]
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: Ventes, label: Facture, icon: "<i class=\"fa fa-file-text\"></i>" }

and I want to add another admin class name DevisAdmin.php by the same entity Ventes but with other listFields, showFields, etc.

How can I do this?

Just make sure to define a different servide ID, pointing to the new admin class with the same entity:

        class: AppBundle\Admin\DevisAdmin
        arguments: [~, AppBundle\Entity\Ventes, ~]
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: Devis, label: Devis, icon: "<i class=\"fa fa-file-text\"></i>" }

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