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Angular2 Two-Way-Binding stopped working

I am having trouble updating my view. In ngOnInit I am resolving a promise. If it cannot do the HTTP request (ie there is no internet) then the catch should look into local storage to find the user and display the information in the view.

Important: It just doesn't work when I redirect the user from the login page to the home page using .navigate. If I reload the component once in home page it does work.

What am I doing wrong?

This is the code in the home page component:

   ngOnInit() {

 // make request to server via HTTP

 .then( userInfo => {
   // if request successful do:
   this.user = userInfo;
   this.user2 = userInfo;

   if(this.user.searchbar === false) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', false);
   } else if(this.user.searchbar) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', true);

 // if request via HTTP fails do:
 .catch(() => {
   // find user in Local Storage and set it equal to this.user;
   console.log('catch within home component');


 getLocalUser() {
 chrome.storage.sync.get(this.signupInfo,(response) => {
   this.user = {};

   this.user = response;
   this.user2 = response;

   console.log('this.user: ');

   if(this.user.searchbar === false) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', false);
   } else if(this.user.searchbar) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', true);

This is my HTML-Template within the home page component:

  <div id="firstGreeting" class="greeting">Good Day, {{ user.firstName }}.</div>
  <span class="highlight disappear">How is your day going?</span>
  <div class="highlight second">Do you mind telling why?</div> <br>
  <span class="forMonth"> - {{ stringMonth }} - </span>

This is the code within the login component that redirects to from the login to the home page:

signup() {
const thePromise = this.mySession.signUp(this.signupInfo);

thePromise.then(userInfo => {
  console.log('User was saved in the server');
  // Save user to Local Storage using Chrome API

  chrome.storage.sync.set(this.signupInfo, () => {
    // Notify that we saved.
    console.log('User was saved locally in the pc');


thePromise.catch((err) => {
  this.error = err;

You code has a reference issue. Here 'this' in function(response) is a reference of function(response). You may use Arrow Functions or let that = this outside function and use that inside function.

getLocalUser() {
 chrome.storage.sync.get(this.signupInfo, (response) => {
   this.user = {};

   this.user = response;
   this.user2 = response;

   console.log('this.user: ');

   if(this.user.searchbar === false) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', false);
   } else if(this.user.searchbar) {
     $('#searchbar').prop('checked', true);

If this does not work, please post your template.

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