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guid/uuid in Typescript Node.js app

I try to make a uuid (v 3.0.1) package work in Node/Typescript app, but I'm not sure what should I import and how to use it.

This is index.d.ts (from @types/uuid v 2.0.29):

declare namespace uuid {
    interface V1Options {
        node?: number[];
        clockseq?: number;
        msecs?: number | Date;
        nsecs?: number;

    type V4Options = { random: number[] } | { rng: () => number[]; }

    interface UuidStatic {
        (options?: V4Options): string;
        (options: V4Options | null, buffer: number[], offset?: number): number[];
        (options: V4Options | null, buffer: Buffer, offset?: number): Buffer;

        v1(options?: V1Options): string;
        v1(options: V1Options | null, buffer: number[], offset?: number): number[];
        v1(options: V1Options | null, buffer: Buffer, offset?: number): Buffer;
        v4: UuidStatic;
        parse(id: string): number[];
        parse(id: string, buffer: number[], offset?: number): number[];
        parse(id: string, buffer: Buffer, offset?: number): Buffer;
        unparse(buffer: number[] | Buffer, offset?: number): string;

declare const uuid: uuid.UuidStatic
export = uuid

I cant find exported class here.

For example index.d.ts from angular2-uuid looks like that:

export declare class UUID {
    static UUID(): string;
    private static pad4(num);
    private static random4();

And it's quite obvious to use:

let id = UUID.UUID();

So. How to use (import and call) uuid ?

Yes, here is code from my project:

import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
const id: string = uuid();

Note: to install definitions it is required to run

npm install --save-dev @types/uuid
import * as uuid from "uuid";
const id: string = uuid.v4();

This also works for me:

import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'

this.projectId = uuidv4()

I used uuid for my project in the following order

Must be installed

npm i --save-dev @types/uuid
npm install uuid

Using the uuid package

import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
const myuuid = uuidv4();
console.log('Your UUID is: 'myuuid);

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