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Swift Casting doesn't work as Expected

I have created a custom protocol,which i am planning to use in place of Any

But i doesn't work when i try to cast it from JSONSerialization.jsonObject

Here is my custom protocol

public protocol StringOrNumber {}

extension String:StringOrNumber {}
extension NSNumber:StringOrNumber {}
extension Bool:StringOrNumber {}
extension Float:StringOrNumber {}
extension CGFloat:StringOrNumber {}
extension Int32:StringOrNumber {}
extension Int64:StringOrNumber {}
extension Int:StringOrNumber {}
extension Double:StringOrNumber {}
extension Dictionary:StringOrNumber {}
extension Array:StringOrNumber {}
extension NSDictionary:StringOrNumber {}
extension NSArray:StringOrNumber {}
extension NSString:StringOrNumber {}
extension NSNull:StringOrNumber {}

Here is the code which i expect to work but it doesn't

let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
           if let object = json as? [String: StringOrNumber] {
               // json is a dictionary

However if i try to convert this in 2 steps, It works as below

let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
if let object = json as? [String: Any] {
    // json is a dictionary

    if let newObject:[String:StringOrNumber] = object as? [String:StringOrNumber] {
        // json is a newer dictionary


Here is the sample JSON i am reading from file.( Doesn't matter you can try your own too )

     "firstName": "John",

I don't understand why the first piece of code doesn't works and 2nd one does ...


it is not Swift (language) specific, it is Apple specific ... 在此输入图像描述 在此输入图像描述

even worst if you change data to

let d = ["first":"john", "last":"doe", "test int": 0, "test null": NSNull()] as [String:Any]

linux version works as expected,

["test null": <NSNull: 0x0000000000825560>, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test int": 0]
["test null": <NSNull: 0x0000000000825560>, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test int": 0]
["test int": 0, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x0000000000825560>]

but apple prints

    first = john;
    last = doe;
    "test int" = 0;
    "test null" = "<null>";

it looks very strange. next code snippet explain why

import Foundation

public protocol P {}

extension String:P {}
extension Int:P {}
extension NSNull:P {}

let d = ["first":"john", "last":"doe", "test null": NSNull(), "test int": 10] as [String:Any]
print("A)",d, type(of: d))

let d1 = d as? [String:P] ?? [:]
print("B)",d1, type(of: d1))

if let data = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: d, options: []) {

    if let jobject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) {

        let o = jobject as? [String:Any] ?? [:]
        print("1)",o, type(of: o))

        var o2 = o as? [String:P] ?? [:]
        print("2)",o2, type(of: o2), "is it empty?: \(o2.isEmpty)")

        if o2.isEmpty {
            o.forEach({ (t) in
                let v = t.value as? P
                print("-",t.value, type(of: t.value),"as? P", v as Any)
                o2[t.key] = t.value as? P ?? 0

on apple it prints

A) ["test null": <null>, "test int": 10, "first": "john", "last": "doe"] Dictionary<String, Any>
B) ["test null": <null>, "test int": 10, "first": "john", "last": "doe"] Dictionary<String, P>

1) ["test null": <null>, "test int": 10, "first": john, "last": doe] Dictionary<String, Any>
2) [:] Dictionary<String, P> is it empty?: true

- <null> NSNull as? P Optional(<null>)
- 10 __NSCFNumber as? P nil
- john NSTaggedPointerString as? P nil
- doe NSTaggedPointerString as? P nil

3) ["test null": <null>, "test int": 0, "first": 0, "last": 0]

while on linux it prints

A) ["test int": 10, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x00000000019d8c40>] Dictionary<String, Any>
B) ["test int": 10, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x00000000019d8c40>] Dictionary<String, P>

1) ["test int": 10, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x00000000019ec550>] Dictionary<String, Any>
2) ["test int": 10, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x00000000019ec550>] Dictionary<String, P> is it empty?: false

3) ["test int": 10, "last": "doe", "first": "john", "test null": <NSNull: 0x00000000019ec550>]

finally , I used the slightly modified source code of JSONSerialization from open source distribution (to avoid conflict with apple Foundation I rename the class to _JSONSerialization :-) and change the code such a way it works in my Playground without any warnings and errors and ... it prints the expected results :) 在此输入图像描述

Why it works now? The key is

/* A class for converting JSON to Foundation/Swift objects and converting Foundation/Swift objects to JSON.    An object that may be converted to JSON must have the following properties:
 - Top level object is a `Swift.Array` or `Swift.Dictionary`
 - All objects are `Swift.String`, `Foundation.NSNumber`, `Swift.Array`, `Swift.Dictionary`,  or `Foundation.NSNull`
 - All dictionary keys are `Swift.String`s
 - `NSNumber`s are not NaN or infinity  */

Now the conditional downcasting of all possible values to P works as expected

to be honest, try this snippet on linux :-) and on apple.

let d3 = [1.0, 1.0E+20]
if let data = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: d3, options: []) {
    if let jobject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [Double] ?? [] {

apple prints

[1.0, 1e+20]

while linux


and with really big value will crash. this bug goes from (in the open sourced JSONSerialization)

if doubleResult == doubleResult.rounded() {
        return (Int(doubleResult), doubleDistance)

replace it with

if doubleResult == doubleResult.rounded() {
         if doubleResult < Double(Int.max) && doubleResult > Double(Int.min) {
                 return (Int(doubleResult), doubleDistance)

and 'deserialization' works as expected (serialization has other bugs ...)

If you want to just check the protocol conformance:

Use is instead of as

if json is [String : StringOrNumber] {

else {

If you want to use the converted type:

if let object = (json as? [String: Any]) as? [String : StringOrNumber] {

    print("valid object = \(object)")
else {

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