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How does one configure logging in HttpBuilder-NG to see what is going back and forth

I am exploring using HttpBuilder-NG to perform REST calls. My first attempt simply gives me a groovy.net.http.HttpException with a traceback. No other details. Using the previous HttpBuilder I was able to turn on logging to see what is sent and received.

The code is pretty simple:

    def jiraUrl = 'https://gpdevjira.broadinstitute.org:8443/rest/api/2'
def username = 'releng'
def password = 'releng'

void testGetIssue() {

    def jira = configure {
        request.uri = jiraUrl
        request.auth.basic username, password

    assert jira

    String text = jira.get(String){
        request.uri.path = "/issue/$testIssue"

    assert text


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