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Can't connect to a MongoDB using Node.js

Can't connect to a MongoDB using Node.js.

This is my code (mdb.js):

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, format = require('util').format;

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:3000', function(err,db){

         throw err;
    } else {

node mdb.js prints MongoError:

enter image description here

Your error explaining itself. Mongo cant find default db path B:/data/db .

Create this folder or on start up choose another DB directory

mongod --dbpath yourPath(C:\myDb)

Also default mongo port is 27017 so you need to change connection string like this "mongodb://@localhost:27017/dbYouWant"

Hope this helps.

First make sure your MongoDB server is running by running mongod in the directory that MongoDB is installed.

Then see what port it is running on ( usually it's 27017 ) . Then update your URL in your code and you're good to go .

这是我尝试启动 Mongo 的内容:

I've created those folders, now it starts and listens, but with these messages. I'm new to MongoDB, so I'm not sure if it is normal:


当我将“localhost”更改为 时,它对我有用

Use this URL mongodb://

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