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vba access 2010 update a filtered subform

I have a form with subform. The subform has the recordsource in a query named my_subform_query. The subform shows the query result and allow to filter the content with few comboBox in the father form. The query source is a LEFT Join. I need to update all records shown in subform but no the rest shown by the query.

How can I do this if the me.recordsource is the query my_subform_query

thanks in advance

edit: Sorry I want to mean to execute a update query with CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE table..." to update a True/false field...

From the parent form call:


From/in the subform itself call:


To update, you would use the RecordsetClone of the subform:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = Me!NameOfYourSubformControl.Form.RecordsetClone

While Not rs.EOF
        rs!YourTrueFalseFieldName.Value = True  ' or = False

Set rs = Nothing

No requery of the subform will be needed.

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