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Is it possible to pass a function to an Ember.js component to execute it as an action callback?

I'm wondering if it's possible to pass a function as a parameter of an Ember component

// component.hbs
{{component fun=fun}}

and then, from an action in the component, calling this same function :

// component.js
actions: {
  fun2() {
     let fun = this.get('fun');

Check out the following twiddle . What you are asking is valid and works. But in general you can pass a function to a component with an action helper and define your action within actions definition. What I can say is this is the common way of passing a function to a component and triggering an action (calling the function) from within the component.


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    buttonClicked() {
      let foo = this.get('foo');


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  appName: 'Ember Twiddle',

  foo() {
    alert('hi there');


<h1>Welcome to {{appName}}</h1>
{{my-component foo=foo}}


<button onclick={{action 'buttonClicked'}}>Press</button>

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