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How to send current div's id into a function when clicked

I'm trying to send a div's id into a function as a parameter when clicked.

But it is not working.

Here's what I have written, please take a look :

<div id="currentId" ng-click="functionCalled(id)">

Edit your code with,

<button id="bla" class="button button-light" data-ng-click="functionCalled($event)">
    Click Me


$scope.functionCalled= function(event){

尝试对此对象使用以下方法<div id="currentId" ng-click="functionCalled(this.id)"> </div>

The click event function has the event as an argument.

<div id="currentId" ng-click="functionCalled(event)">

Now you can access the properties from the target property in the in the event argument.

function functionCalled(event){
   let id = event.target.id; 
<div id="currentId" ng-click="functionCalled($event)">

In your controller

//use $event.target.id

you can pass this as $event

 <div id="currentId" ng-click="functionCalled($event)"></div>

and use this as


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