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Javascript listindex Event Handling

I'm trying to fire up event handling based on the listindex of a DOM element. I can't quite figure why the code doesn't work as I'm running it in a bootstrap environment.


 window.onload = function(){
 function getEventTarget(e) {
 e = e || window.event;
 return e.target || e.srcElement; 
 var ul = document.getElementById("aloga");
 ul.onclick = function(event) {
 var target = getEventTarget(event);
 var bman = getElementsByTagName("option")
 if (target.selectedIndex == "0") {
    window.alert("Hello Peter")
 } else if (target.selectedIndex == "1") {
    window.alert("Hello Paul")
 } else {
    window.alert("Hello Penn")

Then here is the HTML code below:

 <select name="aloga" data-placeholder="Select your aloga" id="aloga"      class="form-control input-lg select2">
 <option value="1" data-code="A" selected > Peter </option>
 <option value="2" data-code="B"> Paul </option>
 <option value="3" data-code="C"> Penn </option>


replace your javascript code with this.

document.getElementById("aloga").onchange = function(){
  var index = this.selectedIndex;
  var name = this.options[index].text;
  window.alert("Hello "+name);

jsFiddle link https://jsfiddle.net/ueyorfej/

I agree with brk's comment but still if that doesn't work then i am pasting my working code for reference

Note: I have embedded your code in a fucntion attachEvents() also modified the

var bman = getElementsByTagName("option") to var bman = document.getElementsByTagName("option") as below

         function attachEvents(){
         function getEventTarget(e) {
         e = e || window.event;
         return e.target || e.srcElement; 
         var ul = document.getElementById("aloga");
         ul.onclick = function(event) {
         var target = getEventTarget(event);
         var bman = document.getElementsByTagName("option")
         if (target.selectedIndex == "0") {
            window.alert("Hello Peter")
         } else if (target.selectedIndex == "1") {
            window.alert("Hello Paul")
         } else {
            window.alert("Hello Penn")
        Then here is the HTML code below:
        <body onload="attachEvents()">
         <select name="aloga" data-placeholder="Select your aloga" id="aloga"      class="form-control input-lg select2">
         <option value="1" data-code="A" selected > Peter </option>
         <option value="2" data-code="B"> Paul </option>
         <option value="3" data-code="C"> Penn </option>

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