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how do i get it to fade to the next name

 var peopleArray = [ {name: 'Abby Sepple', weirdThing: 'Abbey Road and pterodactyl hiccups' }, {name: 'Alayna Buysse', weirdThing: 'Chucky cheese suit and heard that' }, {name: 'Amy Venturino', weirdThing: 'No social media and 2 uvulas' }, {name: 'Barbara King', weirdThing: 'Semi conductor expert and hates touching raw meat' }, {name: 'Benjimin Lauderbaugh', weirdThing: 'minecraft and sleep walking' }, {name: 'Charlie Garnaas', weirdThing: 'Morning ice-cream snacking and hates lines' }, {name: 'Colin James Wymore', weirdThing: 'LOVEs conspiracy theories' }, {name: 'Droo Hastings', weirdThing: 'Touring musician who craved normalcy' }, {name: 'Amal Ali', weirdThing: 'Bust out dancing' }, {name: 'Jim Vang', weirdThing: 'Puts stuff away and lab practical joker' }, {name: 'Jorge Blue', weirdThing: 'Curious person and had a bit of tree branch in bicep for too long' }, {name: 'Kara Bayse', weirdThing: 'Collects all the bags and will never eat white castle' }, {name: 'Matt Larson', weirdThing: 'Experimental everything and collecting things for toy alter' }, {name: 'Neota Moe', weirdThing: 'Loves watching surgeries, even her own and can talk about gross stuff over dinner' }, {name: 'Ryan Beadie', weirdThing: 'Hockey hair mullet perm and seven of his favorite shirts' }, {name: 'Sean Felling', weirdThing: 'Smiles when he is nervous and walks on the outside of his feet' }, {name: 'Tiffany Love', weirdThing: 'Singing even when she does not realize it and Sunday morning breakfasts' }, {name: 'Tessa M Ganser', weirdThing: 'Whale drone videos and big family' }, {name: 'Zeinab Hassan', weirdThing: 'Sweet and savory and Nutella egg breakfasts' } ]; $(onReady); var nameIndex = 0; function onReady() { console.log('inside onReady'); $('#nameDisplay').text('Name'); $('#weirdDisplay').text('Weird'); $('#nameChanger').on('click', nextName); $('#nameBack').on('click', prevName); }//the end of onReady function function nextName() { console.log('inside nextName'); if (nameIndex == peopleArray.length) { console.log('I AM WHERE I NEED TO BE'); nameIndex = 0; } else if (nameIndex == -1) { nameIndex = peopleArray.length - 1; } $('#nameDisplay').text(peopleArray[nameIndex].name); $('#weirdDisplay').text(peopleArray[nameIndex].weirdThing); $('#current').text(nameIndex + 1 + '/19'); nameIndex++; } function prevName() { console.log('inside prevName'); // $('.nameDisplay').attr('value', peopleArray[nameIndex].name); if (nameIndex == peopleArray.length) { console.log('I AM WHERE I NEED TO BE'); nameIndex = 0; } else if (nameIndex == -1) { nameIndex = 19; } nameIndex = nameIndex -1; $('#current').text(nameIndex + '/19'); $('#nameDisplay').text(peopleArray[nameIndex].name); $('#weirdDisplay').text(peopleArray[nameIndex].weirdThing); if (nameIndex === 0) { console.log('I am where i need to be'); nameIndex = 19; // console.log(nameIndex); } if (nameIndex === 0) { console.log('this'); $('#current').text(1 + '/19'); } console.log(nameIndex); } 
 .display { display: inline-block; margin:0; padding:0; } #nameDisplay { font-size: 1.5em; } #weirdDisplay { font-size: 1em; } .button { display: block; font-size: 1em; margin-top: 1em; } 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Weekend Challenge 1</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha256-k2WSCIexGzOj3Euiig+TlR8gA0EmPjuc79OEeY5L45g=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="client.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <p class = 'display' id = 'nameDisplay'></p> <p class="display">: </p> <p class = 'display' id = 'weirdDisplay'></p> <p id='current'>something</p> <button type="button" name="button" class ='button' id = 'nameChanger'>Next</button> <button type="button" name="button" class ='button' id = 'nameBack'>Prev</button> </div> </body> </html> 

How do i get this to fade to the next name, I already tried .fadeIn(), but that does not work, Is it fadeToggle or something like that? I have no idea how to fix this. Also if you see any other bugs please let me know

fadeIn and fadeOut won't work because you're using slim version of jquery, which doesn't have that functions. You can put


instead of


to get full jquery.

After that you can use fadeIn and fadeOut like this:


In this example - #nameDisplay fades out, then text inside is replaced, and after that #nameDisplay fades back in.

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