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How to rewrite nginx to proxy?

New to rewrites. Running 2 services on my host:

  location /{
      #this works fine
      proxy_pass http://myMainServiceIp/;    

   location /wordpress{
      #works but redirects to http://example.com/wp-admin/install.php
      #rather than http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php
      proxy_pass http://wordpressServiceIp/;    

How can I forward /blog/*params*/*etc*/*etc* to my wordpress service correctly?

There are two separate but related issues. The location needs a trailing / so that proxy_pass can alias the URIs correctly.

location /blog/ {
    proxy_pass http://wordpressServiceIp/;    
location = /blog {
    rewrite ^ /blog/ last;

I have added the second location block to handle the one special case.

The second issue is HOME and SITEURL needs to point to http://example.com/blog/ . See this document for more.

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