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AngularJs: I have the select droplist that calls a function only once when changed. How can I make it call the function whenever it is changed?

I have a select drop-list options that populated countries form My database and I want on successful selection of a country/or change to call a function that retrieves regions based on the selected country by ng-change directive. So far so good the countries can be retrieved and populated in the select drop-list option control. Now: what I don't seem to understand is My directive only executes once and return the regions based on the selected option but if I repeat or change the country without refreshing the browser I get TypeError: v2.MyregionFunction is not a function . the MyregionFUnction references to the method I call to retrieve the regions its name is nationalRegions . Bellow is the code in action:

In index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="options" lang='en'>

<title>Select Countries App:</title>
<script src="appModule.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>

<body ng-controller="ctlOptions">

<select ng-model="userDomain" ng-options="location.otherName for location in userCountries"  ng-change="nationalRegions(userDomain.idCountry)">

<select ng-model="regionDomain" ng-options="region.regionName for region in nationalRegions">


Now in appModule.js

var app=angular.module("options",[]);



        type: "POST",
        data: {inputString:inputString},
        dataType: "json",
        success : function(jsonResponce){

                if(callBack && typeof (  callBack )== "function") 


        error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){

                scope.Error="Sorry, there seems to be some problem in your request. Please crosscheck provided informations.";



        var inputs={Controller:"service",Action:"userCountries"};
        var inputString = JSON.stringify(inputs);


            scope.userCountries= responced;


        return scope.userDomain;


        var inputs={idCountry:idCountry,Controller:"service",Action:"nationalRegions"};
        var inputString = JSON.stringify(inputs);


            scope.nationalRegions= responced;

        return scope.regionDomain;



And finally app.js

app.controller('ctlOptions',['$scope','miscellaneous',function ctlOptions($scope,miscellaneous){





That is it can I get assistance where I am making a mistake please because as I said the codes function normally only once and problems arise when I re-select another country and sorry I have not included the appBackend.php file as to it there is no problems I hope it wont affect the debuging and if there seems to be something wrong please let Me know as its My first post here I may have many typo of the code but as it is on My local machine its perfect written without counting the problem in hand.

there is a solution that was even hard to trace in my code because it was perfect I'd say :) with a little exception that angularjs wont tell you either. Its here answered by Aaron Gray

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