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PHP Xpath get both a href and text node

I have a table that contains a number of headings like this:

<TH CLASS="ddtitle" scope="colgroup" ><A HREF="http://foo.com">Linked text</A></TH>

The table is thousands of lines long so I can't share in full, but here is the initial tag and one full item within the table. Sadly there is no nested wrapped around each item and the comments are mine - so it's a pain to decipher where one item begins and ends.

<TABLE  CLASS="datadisplaytable" SUMMARY="Layout table" width="100%"><CAPTION class="captiontext">Items Found</CAPTION>
<!-- START of first item in the table -->
<TH CLASS="ddtitle" scope="colgroup" ><A HREF="http://foo.com">Linked text</A></TH>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Term: </SPAN>Fall
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Registration: </SPAN>Jan 1, 2018 to Aug 1, 2018 
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Levels: </SPAN>Undergraduate 
Lecture Schedule Type
       3.000 Credits
<A HREF="foo">View Entry</A>
<TABLE  CLASS="datadisplaytable" SUMMARY="Meeting time table"><CAPTION class="captiontext">Scheduled Meeting Times</CAPTION>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Type</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Time</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Days</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Where</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Date Range</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Schedule Type</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Instructors</TH>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Lecture</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">9:20 am - 10:10 am</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">MWF</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Some Building Room 101</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Aug 1, 2018 - Dec 1, 2018</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Lecture</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Instructor Name (<ABBR title= "Primary">P</ABBR>)<A HREF="mailto:email@foo.com"    target="Instructur Name" ><IMG SRC="/wtlgifs/email.png" ALIGN="middle" ALT="E-mail" CLASS="headerImg" TITLE="E-mail"  NAME="web_email" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16></A></TD>
<!-- END first item in the table -->

I want to extract the item details, starting with the course name (which is the text content, "linked text," inside th.ddtitle) and the course link (which is the a href inside th.ddtitle). Here's what I've tried for grabbing those two items:

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$myHtml = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'myfile.html');
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
// first part changes an outer table with the same class, so I can get inner tables without the outer one
$tables = $xpath->query("//table[@class='datadisplaytable']");
for($i=0; $i<1; $i++) {
    $tables[$i]->setAttribute('class', 'masterTable');
$html = $dom->saveHTML();
// now, the query I'm having trouble with:
$textAndLink = $xpath->query("//th[@class='ddtitle']/*");
foreach($textAndLink as $info) {
    foreach($info->childNodes as $child) {
        if($i%2 == 0) {
            echo $child->getAttribute('href') . '<br>';
        } else {
            echo $child->nodeValue . '<br>';

I've also tried print_r($child) and the only items displayed are the text nodes, no <a> tags. How can I get both the anchor's "href" attribute and the text content? What I am expecting from the code above is a list like this:

Linked text<br>
Second linked text<br>

and so on and so forth.

Try this code snippet here


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$string = '
<TABLE  CLASS="datadisplaytable" SUMMARY="Layout table" width="100%"><CAPTION class="captiontext">Items Found</CAPTION>
<!-- START of first item in the table -->
<TH CLASS="ddtitle" scope="colgroup" ><A HREF="http://foo.com">Linked text</A></TH>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Term: </SPAN>Fall
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Registration: </SPAN>Jan 1, 2018 to Aug 1, 2018 
<SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">Levels: </SPAN>Undergraduate 
Lecture Schedule Type
       3.000 Credits
<A HREF="foo">View Entry</A>
<TABLE  CLASS="datadisplaytable" SUMMARY="Meeting time table"><CAPTION class="captiontext">Scheduled Meeting Times</CAPTION>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Type</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Time</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Days</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Where</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Date Range</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Schedule Type</TH>
<TH CLASS="ddheader" scope="col" >Instructors</TH>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Lecture</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">9:20 am - 10:10 am</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">MWF</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Some Building Room 101</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Aug 1, 2018 - Dec 1, 2018</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Lecture</TD>
<TD CLASS="dddefault">Instructor Name (<ABBR title= "Primary">P</ABBR>)<A HREF="mailto:email@foo.com"    target="Instructur Name" ><IMG SRC="/wtlgifs/email.png" ALIGN="middle" ALT="E-mail" CLASS="headerImg" TITLE="E-mail"  NAME="web_email" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16></A></TD>

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();

$domXPath = new DOMXPath($domDocument);
$results = $domXPath->query('//tr/th[@class="ddtitle"]/a');
foreach($results as $result)

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