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Ionic cannot open facebook profile page from app

I want to open Facebook's profile page that corresponds to a user in ionic application. I use cordovaInAppBrowswer plugin.

url = 'fb://profile/vahid.vdn';
var options = {
    location: 'yes',
    clearcache: 'yes',
    toolbar: 'yes'
$cordovaInAppBrowser.open( url, '_system', options ).then(function(event) {
    // facebook app is already installed and opened successfully 
.catch(function(event) {
    // facebook app isn't installed in this device
    url = 'https://facebook.com/vahid.vdn'
    $cordovaInAppBrowser.open( url, '_system', options );

This just open Facebook's home page in the Facebook app. (Platform: iOS )

Any idea?


url = 'fb://profile?id=vahid.vdn';

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