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How to set up sub-subdomain on Github Pages

I currently have my blog hosted on Github Pages and am using custom domains of the type mydomain.toplevel and www.mydomain.toplevel .

How can I set up a sub-subdomain of the type two.words.mydomain.toplevel and www.two.words.mydomain.toplevel and point them to a specific directory?

I've found enough information on how to set up a single subdomain, but none of what I found seems to carry over to sub-subdomains in a straightforward way.

I appreciate any pointers. Please note I still want to be able to reach my blog at its current URL. I'm not very experienced with this stuff and I set up my current URL using the Github.com graphical interface, which doesn't include any options for subdomains (let alone sub-subdomains).

create a " A or CNAME " record in your domain control panel (GODADDY/BigRock etc..) like https://in.godaddy.com/help/add-a-subdomain-that-points-to-an-ip-address-4080 you need to point to ip addresses or

then goto your pages repository settings and add your subdomain in the custom domain textbox. save it.

now it works like magic.

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