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How to get data from multiple tables and send to html with '->with()' in laravel

I have to tables 'users' and 'departments' and I want to get data from both tables and put in html form. here is my code which not working because there is something missing in it. here is the code of controller:

 public  function showProfileForm($id){
    $user = DB::table('users')->where('id','=',$id)->get();

    $dpt = DB::table('departments')->orderBy('department_name','asc')->get();
    return view('profile.showProfile')->with(['selDpt', $dpt, 'user', $user]);

The get() method retrieve data as a multi-dimensional array. So when you will retrieve only one array then you have to use first() method at the end of the query. So just Change the query from

$user = DB::table('users')->where('id','=',$id)->get();
$user = DB::table('users')->where('id','=',$id)->first();

Now, You have to pass data by array . So just change the line

return view('profile.showProfile')->with(['selDpt', $dpt, 'user', $user]);
return view('profile.showProfile')->with(['selDpt' => $dpt, 'user' => $user]);


You have to use $selDpt & $user variable for use or echo data. Hope it will work.

Learn more at https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/views#passing-data-to-views

You can use this syntax to pass multiple variables to a view:

return view('profile.showProfile', [
    'selDpt' => $dpt,
    'user' => $user


Or you can use PHP function compact() . http://php.net/compact

$user = DB::table('users')->where('id','=',$id)->get();
$dpt = DB::table('departments')->orderBy('department_name','asc')->get();

return view('profile.showProfile', compact('dpt', 'user'));

You will have $user and $dpt in your view.

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