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Why is my Magento Catalog ProductController not being extended?

I'm trying to extend my Magento Catalog ProductController View (to be precise Mage_Checkout_CartController::ViewAction) and Magento does not seem to be acknowledging the module extension.

So I have the following files:

This is the /app/code/local/Mage/SwapMachine/etc/config.xml config file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <Mage_SwapMachine before="Mage_Catalog">Mage_SwapMachine_Frontend</Mage_SwapMachine>

This is the /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/swapmachine.xml file. As I was instructed to create from Source #2 (Sources on bottom)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <update handle="catalog_product_view"/>           

This is the /app/code/local/Mage/SwapMachine/controllers/Frontend/ProductController.php file


class Mage_SwapMachine_Frontend_ProductController extends Mage_Catalog_ProductController

    public function viewAction()
       /// Get initial data from request
        die("IT'S WORKING!");


I have tried to fix the situation on my own for some week now and I feel at lost. I followed the information here first.

Source 1

Magento Catalog ProductController rewrite

After multiple attemps I later found this and tried the information here though it is for Magento 2.

Source 2


As you are trying to override the catalog module, the XML should look like this:


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