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How to output specific information from a powershell command?

So I've been playing around with Powershell recently, trying some things with a basic command net user $username . As an example net user administrator produces an output that you can see at the bottom of this page.

My question is: How do I output specific elements of this?

I'm aware of pipes and have been trying to use them but I think I'm missing something as it never comes out right. Lets say, for example, I just want user name , full name , password expires and last logon to be shown as an output. What command do I use after the pipe to get this?

Many thanks!

net.exe is not a PowerShell cmdlet. Therefore getting information out it is processing the output of the executable as a string.

For example, retrieving the user name:

$netoutput = net user administrator
#User name is on the first line, separated by spaces, the actual username is last word
$netoutput[1].Split(" ")[-1]

If you are using Win10 1607 or newer, you could retrieve this information with the Get-LocalUser cmdlet

Get-LocalUser administrator | Select-Object Name,FullName,PasswordExpires,LastLogon

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