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How to set up openstack local.conf for Mitaka in virtual box

I installed Openstack Mitaka using devstack for many times and there were always some bugs. I think it has something to do with the initial network set up.

For virtual box, I added a new host-only network "vboxnet0" with configures:


IPv4 network mask:

Disable DHCP server (the NAT network enabled DHCP)

And for the virtual machine I created, I used Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop, with network configures:

Adapter 1: NAT

Adapter 2: Host-only adapter - vboxnet0.

Then after virtual machine initialisation and basic update, I got:

lo - 127.0.0., Mask:, scope: host
eth0 -, Mask:, scope: link
eth1 -, Mask:, scope: link

So how should I set the devstack/local.conf file? I tried to install devstack without setting it but after I created an instance, I could't console into the instance. And also the instance got an IP like 174.24.4.x , which is quite weird because I thought it should be something like 10.0.0.x .

Even I was struggling to install Openstack on virtual box.

Then I configured virtual box as given in this website https://linuxhint.com/install_openstack_virtualbox/ and then things worked fine.

I used linux server though.

Let me know if you still get any specific error, I have seen a lot of errors and can help you

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