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How to run nuxt.js in real service?

I used vue-cli in

vue init nuxt/express myProject


npm run dev



npm run build

after, was created dist file.

How i can run in real service in pm2?

(I will use ubuntu in AWS EC.)

you just need to start your app like that:

pm2 start npm --name "your-project-name" -- start

Check the status:

pm2 status

and after you can restart / stop:

pm2 restart your-project-name
pm2 stop your-project-name


  • node.js installed on web server
  • nginx installed and configured on web server
  • pm2 installed and configured on web server


  1. Add to your universal Nuxt app for serving it though PM2 is a file called ecosystem.config.js. Create a new file with that name in your root project directory and add the following content:

     module.exports = { apps: [ { name: 'project-name', exec_mode: 'cluster', instances: 'max', // Or a number of instances script: './node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt.js', args: 'start' } ] }
  2. Connect to your linux server via FTP (FileZilla or etc..) Send the blue files I marked to the server. (you don't need to upload node_modues, .nuxt, dist, .git, .idea, etc... folders)


  3. Connect server via ssh console, (windows : putty) and go to projects folder that you uploaded files.

     cd / cd var/www/project-name
  4. Install node_modules folder by;

     npm install
  5. Execute nuxt build and create .nuxt folder by;

     npm run build
  6. Finally, ready to start starts pm2 server by;

     pm2 start

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