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(Using a custom function to) Sum above N rows in a datatable (dataframe) by groups

I need a function that sums the above N+1 rows in dataframes (data tables) by groups.

An equivalent function for a vector , would be something like below. (Please forgive me if the function below is inefficient)

for (i in 1:length(x))
if (i<=N) 
else if (i>N) 

#[1] 1 3 6 10 14 18 # Sums previous (above) 4 values (rows)

I wanted to use this function with sapply, like below..

sapply(X=DF<-data.frame(A=c(1:10), B=2), FUN=Function1(N=3))

but couldn't.. because I could not figure out how to set a default for the x in my function. Thus, I built another function for data.frames.

Function2<-function(x, N)
 if(is.data.frame(x)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(x))
  for(i in 1:nrow(x))
    if (i<=N) {
    }   else if (i>N)  {

DF<-data.frame(A=c(1:10), B=2)
Function2(DF, 2)
#   V1 V2
1   1  2
2   3  4
3   6  6
4   9  6
5  12  6
6  15  6
7  18  6
8  21  6
9  24  6
10 27  6

However, I still need to perform this by groups. For example, for the following data frame with a character column.

DF<-data.frame(Name=rep(c("A","B"),each=5), A=c(1:10), B=2)

I would like to apply my function by group "Name" -- which would result in.

A   1  2
A   3  4
A   6  6
A   9  6
A  12  6
B   6  2
B  13  4
B  21  6
B  24  6
B  27  6

#Perform function2 separately for group A and B.

I was hoping to use function with the data.table package (by=Groups), but couldn't figure out how.

What would be the best way to do this? (Also, it would be really nice, if I could learn how to make my Function1 to work in sapply)

With data.table , we group by 'Name', loop through the columns of interest specified in .SDcols (here all the columns are of interest so we are not specifying it) and apply the Function1

setDT(DF)[, lapply(.SD, Function1, 2), Name]
#    Name  A B
# 1:    A  1 2
# 2:    A  3 4
# 3:    A  6 6
# 4:    A  9 6
# 5:    A 12 6
# 6:    B  6 2
# 7:    B 13 4
# 8:    B 21 6
# 9:    B 24 6
#10:    B 27 6

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