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How to use Cron to run commands when jobs in a particular folder complete?

I am running a long simulation on our cluster. I submit dozens of jobs first, each job is "hold on" its previous one, so that the simulation could be extended to the period that I want.

Due to the limitation of total jobs we could submit, I have to submit many jobs every day, when the previous jobs have been completed.

I feel it is time-consuming to do this every day. So I wonder if Cron could

  1. monitor if all the jobs launched in a particular folder have been completed on the cluster
  2. if yes, execute the commands written in a job.sh file, to submit more jobs within that particular folder.

I am also happy if other methods could be used except Cron.

Thank you.

You may also be interested in trying BeyondCron , which is currently available for early adopters. Using conditions you should be able to solve you problem.

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