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Pod installed Alamofire 4.4, but class is not being autocomplete by Xcode 8.3

I have noticed this problem as closed before but I am getting the same problem.

屏幕截图2017-05-12 at 10 56 07 am

PS - I have imported Alamofire in the class mentioned in the screenshot

Here is my pod details

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'PhotoTagger' do
     pod 'Alamofire'

Also the only thing being auto completed is AlamofireVersionNumber and i cannot access anything when I am trying to use the auto complete feature. Now if i write Alamofire by hand then I can access some methods, but then again something is going wrong and code is not compiling, which i think boils down to the issue that the class isnt being fetched by auto complete.

I have tried -

In Project settings > Build settings

  1. Always search user path To YES
  2. Header search path to only include "$(inherited)" as non-recursive

All other pods are working fine, except Alamofire. Also after writing class name by hand or copy pasting, some of the methods that are being auto completed does not have the same signature of the actual method of the Alamofire class

Please please please !! help me sort this out, so that someone out there when facing this can help themselves too. There isnt any solution to this as of now.


I had opened an issue on Alamofire 's Github page, but they responded with

Sorry, we're not responsible for Xcode's autocomplete issues.
In the future, you should open questions like this on Stack Overflow
and tag alamofire.

Cheers. 🍻

Please help, I am stuck with this for quite some time.


Here is my project settings details 在此输入图像描述 Also, I have build the project and still the problem persists.

PS - Writing the class manually by hand , and the methods even, it compiles but everytime, I have to go to the github page, to copy paste the method signature, The problem is that with Autocomplete, i can navigate all method signatures and know about the public available methods. But I am only restricted to the example methods available in github, as everytime I have to copy paste the methods and the overwrite the implementation. Again, this compiles and runs, but the auto complete is not working, not for the class, or for the functions.

Solution 1

Probably this is not about Alamofire or pod libraries but Swift and XCode. This answer could be your solution, shortly:

  • Go to Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing Under Code completion
  • Uncheck 'Suggest completions while typing' Quit out of Xcode and then
  • relaunch Xcode. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing again Again
  • go to Code completion and check 'Suggest completions while typing'.
  • Try typing library function or enum...

Solution 2

Or you can try this answer if your XCode have some cache file issue, shortly close XCode and remove file below:


and try again.

Solution 3

Or you can try this answer , shortly:

Find any commented out (/* abc */) code after @end in your files and delete.

Let me know if any solution it works.

I had the same problem once. I can't remember exactly what worked, but we will figure that out now.

In «Build Settings -> Search path -> Framework Search Paths» check to see if you have the following:

Always Search user Paths : NO
Framework Search Paths: $(inherited), "$PODS_CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/Alamofire", "${PODS_ROOT}/Alamofire/" 

These search path might not be the same as yours, so just double check that the path above is correct, according to where the files are saved.

Before you do changes in the config files, take a backup in case something get's messed up.

When you do changes, build your project and restart Xcode.

I just did a test project with Alamofire:

Installing pod: pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.4'

Opening xcworkspace first time: Autocompletion doesn't work. Xcode doesn't recognize import Alamofire.


Build project: Project -> Build

Xcode recognizes import Alamofire.

When typing Alamofire it doesn't work, only AlamofireVersionNumber is autocompleted.

But when typing Alamofire.(and typing a known command from alamofire it will autocomplete)

For me adding anything to the Build Settings didn't work, but deleting Derived Data and building the Pod scheme explicitely did the trick.

Go to "Manage Schemes" and check the Pods-MyProject scheme and the one of the pod which doesn't autocomplete. Close the window. First select the scheme of the broken pod (button next to the run and stop button) and Build for Running shift + cmd + R . Second select the Pods-MyProject scheme and Build this for Running too. Switch back to your normal scheme and you should be fine.

Did you delete the derived data for your project or the whole of it? I've had this happen, wipe it all.

I had this exact problem a few days back. I think this is happening because Xcode is not able to find the Alamofire header libraries. What I did to resolve was :

1) Go to build settings and search for 'User Header Search Paths'

2) Enter its value as "${PODS_ROOT}/BuildHeaders" including the quotes

3) Click the thing again and in the right side , change the value of the selection to 'recursive'

Now Restart Xcode and build the project. Now the autocomplete works fine


Unfortunately this is Xcode being stupid. Same issue is happening with most advanced libraries even when using server side SPM. Until apple improves xcode some things will just stay hidden to us unfortunately.

I am currently using Xcode 9.2


Your pod string may be wrong. Please try this

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.4'


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