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how to make an infinite scroller / “Load More” in reactjs

I'm new to reactjs and I'm so confused how to make an infinite scroller or "load more" functionality.

so here is my componentDidMount :

 componentDidMount() {

      jsonReturnedValue:data , isLoading: false


and this where I load my table

renderItem(d, i) {
  return <tr key={i} >
    <td> {d.Employee_ID} </td>
    <td>{d.Address }</td> 
    <td><center><button className ="btn btn-info" onClick={this.handleOnclick.bind(this,  d.Employee_ID, d.Employee_Name, d.Address , d.Department , i)}   data-toggle="modal" data-target="#UpdateEmployee">Edit</button></center></td>
    <td><center><button className ='btn btn-danger'  onClick={this.handleOnclick2.bind (this,d.Employee_ID,d.Employee_Name,i)} data-toggle="modal" data-target="#DeleteEmployee"> Delete</button></center></td>

render() {
      if(this.state.isLoading) {
           return <span className="Loader">
              <span className="Loader-ellipsis" >
                <span className="Loader-ellipsisDot">.</span>
                <span className="Loader-ellipsisDot">.</span>
                <span className="Loader-ellipsisDot">.</span>

    let {jsonReturnedValue} = this.state;
    const isEnabled = this.canBeSubmitted();


        <div className="container">   
          <h1> Listof Employees </h1>
            <button className ='btn btn-warning right ' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#AddEmployee"> Add an Employee</button>
             <table className= "table table-bordered" id="result"> 
                   {/*  {this.state.tableLoading? <LoadingComponent/>: this.renderItem()}
                    {jsonReturnedValue.map((d,i) => this.renderItem(d,i))} 


    let _this = this;
    $('#notificationMainDiv').on('scroll', function() {
      if($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this [0].scrollHeight) 

Once the bottom of the div is reached, retrieveMoreNotifications() will be called. loadMore will be set to false when no more data to retrieve.

You first need to bind an onScroll eventListener, which you can do in componentDidMount()

componentDidMount() {
 window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll);

Then you need to define an onScroll method in your component and check if user has scrolled to the bottom of page:

onScroll = () => {
  // write your code here to check if user has scrolled to the bottom of page
 if(true) { // scrollbar is at the bottom

Then define your fetchMoreData function to update the list of jsonReturnedValue.

This is just a blueprint. You need to take care of functionalities by yourself.

To check scrolling refer to this Check if a user has scrolled to the bottom

To get more understanding of event listeners in React refer this https://stackoverflow.com/a/41406239/3323709

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