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Dashboards not rendering in Iframe in IE11 recent update Current IE Version: 11.1198.14393.0 KB4018271

We have an application which deals with iframes, but with Internet Explorer 11 the dashboards are not rendering in the iframe and it is resulting in a blank page. The request appears to be aborted when inspected in the console, I can see the following errors:

SCRIPT5: Access is denied
File : CrossAssetKPIComparison, Line 1,Column 1
SCRIPT5: Access is denied
File : Widget-render, Line 1,Column 27468
SCRIPT5009: '$' is undefined
File : CrossAssetKPIComparison, Line 62, Column 5

Internet Explorer on my computer got recent updates with KB4018271 (Current IE Version: 11.1198.14393.0) as part of the system updates. I have gone through the microsoft community questions and seen a issue mentioned in that they have replied, it got fix in the version MS16-084: Security update for Internet Explorer: July 12, 2016 . Can't we render dashboards in Iframe?

I have performed several troubleshooting measures with the Internet options of Internet Explorer11. If I access the same url(url which renders dashboards) outside (without loading into iframe), it works fine.

I have rolled back the update to the version MS16-084: Security update for Internet Explorer: July 12, 2016 but still the problem continues. Your help is really appreciated.

我的脚本包的jquery版本为1.10.1但一旦将其更新为版本1.10.2 ,此问题已修复。

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