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Typescript TypeError: Cannot read property 'set' of undefined

I'm trying to set up a very basic example of push notifications on android. I use nativescript + typescript (even if the code is a bit messy, as i don't understand how to correctly rewrite "var Observable = require("data/observable");" and "viewModel" in typescript. The code is based on this example https://bradmartin.net/2015/12/28/use-google-cloud-messaging-for-push-notifications-with-nativescript/

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import * as pushPlugin from "nativescript-push-notifications";
var Observable = require("data/observable");

selector: "my-app",
template: `
    <ActionBar title="My App" icon="" class="action-bar">
<Label text="Tap the button to trigger the register function." textWrap="true" class=""></Label>
<Button text="REGISTER" (tap)="registerTap()" ></Button>    
<label text="Your device id/token:" textWrap="true" ></label>
<TextView text="{{ registrationId }}" class="title" textWrap="true"></TextView>
<Label text="{{ message }}" class="message" textWrap="true" ></Label>
</StackLayout>  `

export class AppComponent {
// Your TypeScript logic goes here

viewModel = new Observable.Observable({
registrationId: ""

pageLoaded(args) {
var page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = this.viewModel;

registerTap (args) {

var settings = {
    // Android settings 
    senderID: '0434blablabla', // Android: Required setting with the sender/project number 
    notificationCallbackAndroid: function(message) { // Android: Callback to invoke when a new push is received. 

    // iOS settings 
    badge: true, // Enable setting badge through Push Notification 
    sound: true, // Enable playing a sound 
    alert: true, // Enable creating a alert 

    // Callback to invoke, when a push is received on iOS 
    notificationCallbackIOS: function(message) {

    // Success callback 
    function(token) {
          // if we're on android device we have the onMessageReceived function to subscribe 
        // for push notifications 
        if(pushPlugin.onMessageReceived) {

        alert('Device registered successfully : ' + token);
        this.viewModel.set("regId", token);
    // Error Callback 


when i click on the register button, i get the following error:

TypeError: "Cannot read property 'set' of undefined" I'm new to Typescript and notifications handling, can you give me a hint?

thanks in advance


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