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Excel VBA combining results from multiple checkboxes into single worksheet cell

I have a Userform frame containing 20 checkboxes, each checkbox represents a different coloured shirt.

When a user makes their checkbox selection/s, I'd like the results (the caption, not true/false) to end up in a single cell (column 8) of the active row, separated by a comma.

I'm a newbie at VBA coding and learning on the fly - can anyone please help?

Edit1: Removed line continuation _ on If statement .

Create a sub routine to check all the Checkboxes and pass the data to the selected cell.
Try something like this:

Private Sub GetSelection()

    Dim c As MSForms.Control
    Dim cbk As MSForms.CheckBox
    Dim sel As String

    For Each c In Me.Controls '/* Iterate all controls */
        If TypeOf c Is MSForms.CheckBox Then '/* check if it is a checkbox */
            Set cbk = c '/* Set as Checkbox to get the caption property */
            If cbk Then '/* Check value, get caption if true */
                If sel = "" Then 
                    sel = cbk.Caption 
                    sel = sel & "," & cbk.Caption
                End If
            End If
        End If

    '/* Transfer currently selected values in desired cell */
    Sheet1.Range("H" & ActiveCell.Row).Value2 = sel '/* Used H for column 8 */

End Sub

Then all you need to do is call this sub routine in all your CheckBox_Click event.

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()


End Sub

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