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Ion-button doesn't work

I want to use special buttons for ionic 1, using ion-button, explained in this page: Ionic Buttons thus, I tryed two buttons, a Round Button and an Outline + Round:

  <h2 class="sub-header" style="color:#4e67c3;">Oggetto {{ selectedproduct.idproduct }} <img src="img/cart.png" height="30" width="38"></h2>   

  <ul class = "licatalog">

        <h4 style = "color:#4e67c3;"> {{ selectedproduct.productDesc.description }} </h4>
        <h4 style = "color:#FF2E24;"> {{ selectedproduct.productDesc.producer.name }}  </h4>
        <h4> [sconto per utenti registrati]  </h4>
        <h4> € {{ selectedproduct.productDesc.price }} </h4>
        <img src="../img/product/{{ selectedproduct.productDesc.rootImage }}" height="130" width="100">

    <button ion-button round>Round Button</button>
    <button ion-button round outline>Outline + Round</button>

But the button are not working good, they stay like simple buttons: 视图

But I don't know the reason why. Somebody can help me to make a finest button?

I think you are using ionic v1. First of all i would recommend you to use later versions of ionic because there are more useful tutorials and less bugs.

If you stay at v1 you need to take the right documentation: https://ionicframework.com/docs/v1/components/#buttons

You use buttons like this: (with the class="")

 <button class="button button-positive"> button-positive </button> <button class="button button-outline button-positive"> Outlined Button </button> 

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