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manipulating DOM elements inside or outside the eventListener

I am trying to add an click event when I click on the button, and the page will show what I have typed into the input field:

var input = document.querySelector("input").value;
var container = document.querySelector(".contanier");
   container.innerHTML = input;

this is just work fine, but i want make this code looks strunctre a bit, so i rewite as :

var input = document.querySelector("input").value;
var button = document.querySelector(".myButton"); 
var container = document.querySelector(".contanier");
button.addEventListener("click",function(){container.innerHTML = input;});

but when I click the button the page just refresh to be blanked, do i have to make DOM inside the event so this can work? Could anyone tell me what's the difference after I rewrite this?

sorry i fogort the html code:

<div class="main-container">
   <input type="text" class="js-userInput">
   <button class="myButton">Go!</button>

 <div class="container"></div>    

If you are trying this into the form then button should have the attribute type="button" . Their another method in function ($event) { $event.preventDefault();} . Example https://plnkr.co/edit/1F5Z7CZOS4P89nEzU7dP?p=preview

If you don't specify a type on a <button> tag, it defaults to type="submit , which causes the form the button belongs to to be submitted to the server.

This causes the same page to reload if a action pointing to another URL was not set. If you add type="button" it will function as a button without submitting the page. As nnnnnn noted in the comments, you also only get the value of the input box once, on page load, so even with type=button it wouldn't work as intended.

When you grab .value , you are grabbing a string containing it's value, not a reference to the .value property. Instead store a reference to the element and grab the .value every time your event handler runs.

 var input = document.querySelector("input"), // store a reference to the element, // instead of querying the .value button = document.querySelector(".myButton"), container = document.querySelector(".container"); // there was a typo in the // class name here too, so // the container variable was null. button.addEventListener("click", function() { container.innerHTML = input.value; // query the .value here each time it runs }); 
 <div class="main-container"> <input type="text" class="js-userInput"> <!-- you need to specify type button so it doesn't default to submit, which will reload the page. --> <button type="button" class="myButton">Go!</button> </div> <div class="container"></div> 

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