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How to change visibility of a input field in Aurelia?

I have following form in Aurelia. In the top of the form, there's a drop down menu to select user type. There are only two options. I need to show and hide some input fields when user change the type.

IE : When user select type as 'Producer', I need to hide username. When user select 'Writer' , I need to show username and also hide email address. Like this. Need to do this using JavaScript controller.


This is the HTML code as a github gist. Please give me a solution for this.

You can use show.bind (if you just want to show and hide the element), or if.bind (if you want to add and remove it form the DOM). For instance:

<div class="form-group" id="div_username" if.bind="user_type === 'writer'">
  <label for="userame">Username:</label>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="userame" value.bind="userame" placeholder="Userame">

Runnable example https://gist.run/?id=33db6b8f919eb95d63b8bfbc2e912fe5 - Change the User Type to 'writer' and you'll see the Username input.

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