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Getting actual value from react-native asyncStorage instead of promise

All morning I've been trying to get the AsyncStorage.getItem to return the value of the actual item, not a promise.

Here's what I have that according to everything I've read should work:

export async function getToken(){

        var value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('authToken');
        return value;
    }catch (error){


I have tried chaining together many .thens, tried accessing the actual value field of the promise, but for some reason that returns a promise also. I've tried pretty much every suggestion on this site and it will always return a promise.

Quoting the AsyncStorage documentation

... Each method in the API returns a Promise object.

and also based on this post , there is no way for you to access the value without the use of promise or any other async patterns (generators, callback etc).

You can use Realm as a storage without using promises. This is how you query data in realm (quoting the documentation ):

 let token = realm.objects('authToken'); // retrieves all authTokens 

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