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Missing Info.plist key



I need to internationalize those tips, but i got this!Any idea?

I also face this type of error. I think you can describe the message like this. 在此处输入图片说明

I think it's help for you.

You should use InfoPlist.strings file to localize values of Info.plist . To do this, go to File->New->File , choose Strings File under Resource tab of iOS, name it InfoPlist , and create. Open and insert the Info.plist values you want to localize like:

"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Description of this";


select the localization options, or enable localization if needed,


you should be able to see the file also on the left side editor.


If you want to internationalize tips here is the good Stack overflow answer

in short after adding info.plist string file for respective language, you can localize just like this.Add your respective permisstion key with appropriate description.

NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "请打开【定位服务】允许 Your App 确定您的位置。";

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