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How to use conditional arguments while plotting in R?

I have a dataframe of which two columns are of date and sales. date column varies from 2012-10-22 to 2016-09-22. I want to plot the graph of sales in jan 2013 by day without creating any subset.

I have used this- ggplot(subsales,aes(Date,spdby))+geom_line()

Is it possible by using ggplot()?

I have plotted the sales per day and look like this-

I want to zoom in, to January 2013 and want to extract that part as a new plot.

yes, in ggplot:


subsales <- data.frame(
  date = seq(as.Date("2013-1-1"), as.Date("2017-1-1"), by = "day"),
  spdby = runif(1462, 2000, 6000)

ggplot(subsales, aes(date, spdby)) + 

ggplot(subsales, aes(date, spdby)) + geom_line() + 
  scale_x_date(limits = c(as.Date("2013-1-1"), as.Date("2013-1-31")))
#> Warning: Removed 1431 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

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