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How do I resolve eslint import/no-named-as-default

After looking at the documentation for the import/no-named-as-default eslint rule, I'm still confused about what exactly I'm doing wrong.

I have the following file structure

├── ButtonBack.css
├── ButtonBack.jsx
├── __tests__
│   └── ButtonBack.test.jsx
└── index.js

The ButtonBack.jsx contains the following code

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default class ButtonBack extends React.Component {
  ... code removed to keep example short ...

__tests__/ButtonBack.test.jsx contains the following code

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import ButtonBack from '../ButtonBack'; // <== this line has an eslint warning

... code removed to keep example short ...

The problem is, my linter says that import ButtonBack from '../ButtonBack violates the following lint rules:

I can't figure out why my import statement violates the lint rule. Removing the name of the class in ButtonBack.jsx ( export default class extends React.Component ) does not solve the issue either.

Ran into this same issue and from what I'm seeing you're going to just have to disable that rule (that's what I did at least)

"Unfortunately, React + Redux is the most common scenario. However, there are lots of other cases where HOCs will force developers to shut down this rule."





"rules": {
    "import/no-named-as-default": 0

Ran into this issue because I am using React + Redux :

export class ButtonBack extends React.Component {
  // code removed
export default connect(null, null)(ButtonBack);

So with the code above this import will give me a warning:

import ButtonBack from ./ButtonBack;

changing to the following fixes the problem:

import ConnectedButtonBack from ./ButtonBack;

Not exporting class ButtonBack would also fix the problem, but I like to export it tohelp with testing .


My preferred solution for this issue is to have separate files for components and container . I think this keeps files smaller and easier to understand. In this case I would have two files:



The no-named-as-default eslint rule is meant to help you in case you mistakenly import a default export when you meant to import a named export .

I haven't ran into this issue for a while now because:

  • I avoid default exports when I can, as I think they can lead to mild confusion.
  • I don't use the connect function anymore, I use the useSelector hook instead.
  • I usually test the component together with the redux store . Here is an example on how to do that using React Testing Library .

Original problem line :

import ButtonBack from '../ButtonBack'; 

Fixed Line:

import { ButtonBack } from '../ButtonBack'; 

I had the same issue when I imported class components and it was such a simple solution in the end.


Just add

"parser": "babel-eslint"

to your eslintrc config file after you installed this package with

npm install babel-eslint --save-dev


yarn add babel-eslint --dev


babel-eslint tells eslint to use the configuration specified in my Babel configuration file. There I have specified that I use React and that's why eslint will not complain anymore. This is how my Babel configuration file looks like:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"]

This is rather silly for esLint but what I did to resolve it was to check file that is exporting, I accidentally had export class then export default connect. Still had lint error, re wrote import line in parent and eslint cleared warning.

You could add an exception in .eslintrc

"rules": {
  "import/prefer-default-export": "off"


I also encountered this problem while importing faker js I am importing like this:

import faker from '@faker-js/faker'

and getting eslint error:

warning Using exported name 'faker' as an identifier for default export import/no-named-as-default

The solution which worked for me is:

import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'

So, in your case, you just need to change your importing to this

import {ButtonBack} from '../ButtonBack';

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