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Why is my page reloading even though I have event.preventDefault (form handling jquery + node.js)

I am using jQuery to asynchronously post my data to my db using node.js and express.js

Here is roughly what I am doing:


<form id='mailer' action='/mail/new' method='post'>
  <input name='mycontent'/>
  <input type='submit'/>




  //insert into database

So it is essentially submitting to my database but ignoring the e.preventDefault because my page shows the loader wheel when I press submit

  1. As a commenter pointed out, you need to remove the hash # from the id attribute of your form:

    <form id='mailer'...

  2. You need quotes around the element you're submitting. A JavaScript error occurs ( undefined variable, most likely) and the form submits anyway before the preventDefault() runs.


    Should be:


Found the answer by console logging the event object. Turns out the event object (atleast while using jquery) doesn't have a 'preventDefault' function. But rather has an 'isPreventDefault()' function which takes in true or false.

I just replaced the e.preventDefault with e.isPreventDefault(true) and this fixed it and it is not reloading now

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