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If I cherry-pick a commit from a branch and then merge the whole branch later what happens to the git history?

So I've got a situation where I only want a particular commit from branchA because other commits in that branch aren't ready to be merged. So if I cherry-pick commitX from branchA into master, and then later merge branchA into master (with some commits in between let's say), what happens to commitX as far as the git history is concerned? Does it get ignored since it's already present in master, or does some sort of duplication occur?

The git merge operation does not look at the individual commits along the "merge path", as it were. Instead, it looks only at the start and end snapshots. Note, however, that there are two end snapshots (and one start):


Here, B is the merge base commit and L and R are the left (or local or --ours ) and right (or other, remote, or --theirs ) commits respectively. Meanwhile each round o represents some commit that Git does not even look at. 1 Git simply does, in effect:

git diff --find-renames B L    # figure out what we did
git diff --find-renames B R    # figure out what they did

What this means for your git cherry-pick is that "what we did" and "what they did" are likely to include some of the same changes to the same files—but that's no problem, because the step that git merge does after obtaining these two en-masse diffs is to combine the changes, taking exactly one copy of any change that appears in both the left and right "sides" of the merge.

Suppose, however, that you cherry-pick a commit and then revert it again along one path, eg:


(The reason X' has the tick mark is that it's a copy of commit X : when you cherry-pick a commit, the new copy gets a different hash ID.)

Here, you wrote commit X in for the branch (the lower line in the graph), cherry-picked it into the main line (the upper line), realized it was not ready or was broken, reverted it (adding !X' ), and then made the final commit L in the main line. Now when you merge, the fact that a copy of X went in, then went out again, is invisible: Git compares B vs L and sees no sign at all of the X'--!X' sequence. It therefore still takes one copy of the changes introduced by commit X .

If commit X has become ready on the branch ending in R , this is the correct action.

If commit X is still broken, this is the wrong action—but the proper cure is probably to revert X on the branch before merging.

1 Except for finding B , that is: Git must start at both L and R and work backwards through the graph to find the merge base. This means Git must traverse some of the otherwise-uninteresting commit nodes.

Nothing in particular happens, but let's break it down.

-o---o---o master
   \----o--o--o branchA

Now you do your cherry-pick. Then the situation is:

         M  MX
-o---o---o--o master
   \----o--o--o branchA

So far so good. Then you do a few more commits...

         M  MX
-o---o---o---o---o---o---o master
   \----o---o---o---o---o---o branchA

Now the merge...

         M  MX
-o---o---o---o---o---o---o-----o master
  \                           /
   \----o---o---o---o---o---o branchA

All of this is just business like usual. Git does not store the fact that commit MX is the result of a cherry-pick, and it does not need to. The cherry-pick operation differs from a merge in that the picked commit X and the new commit MX are in no relationship which each other, whatsoever. They cannot be, either, because (with a merge) the "parent-child" relationship has the semantic that at the end master contains all history of branchA , not only the change introduced a single commit.

The actual changes, on a file level, just work as if you had edited them in manually. Ie, if the changes introduced by the cherry-pick stick around in master , git will notice that (by not noticing any difference during the merge on the relevant lines, in easy cases) and things will just be merged.

EDIT: Regarding your question in the comments...

lets say my commitX had a message "Foobarbaz". Given the scenario, would I have two commits now in my master branch with commit messages "Foorbarbaz" or just 1.

Each commit has a message at the commit level and some content at the file level. A cherry-pick works only at the content level; that is, it takes the file changes from one commit, and applies it to whatever is in your working directory right now. What may be confusing is that the command git cherry-pick does indeed, after applying that change, create a new commit for you ( MX in this example). This new commit is just a plain old commit though - it is in no way related to the original commit X , except git cherry-pick copies the old commit message (which you can edit) as a convenience.

As a clarification, you could do git cherry-pick -n and avoid git doing the commit for you - this would give you the chance to edit whatever the cherry-pick did, before committing it yourself.

So, the cherry-pick is literally simply a convenience method which works like if you had edited the changes in yourself and committed them yourself. The fact that the new commit message may be similar or equal to the old one does not matter to git at all, on the merge, later.

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