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How to get only the first list element in menu of unordered list in JQuery?

I need to get the first element in the list of unordered lists. I used bellow code and getting all list items as output. Then I click f12 and executed this code [image description output of this code][1] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/OZ4qn.png jQuery(window).resize(function() {

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        <li> aa</li>
        <li> bb</li>
        <li> cc</li>
        <li> dd</li>
        <li> ee</li>

As Wax already mentioned, using a selector combination of

$('.mean-nav > ul > li:first-child').click(function() {

will search for every element containing the class mean-nav , inside search for a directly following ul and inside search for a directly following li , but only the first occurence is going to be handled. :first-child provides the same functionality it's JavaScript equivalent :nth-child(1) does.

However, the :first-child selector is able to find multiple elements, so if you had multiple ul inside your element with mean-nav containing at least one li each, you would find multiple elements.

The :first selector does something different - it finds the first occurence of your selector and stops right after - without the risk of finding multiple elements.

Applying that to an example:

<div class="mean-nav">
<div class="mean-nav">

in this example, using both selectors you would get the following results:

$('.mean-nav > ul > li:first-child').click(function() {

would log into console two times: 'ASDF' and '2345' - while

$('.mean-nav > ul > li:first').click(function() {

would only log once: 'ASDF'.

In your case :first-child works just the way :first would, but best practice would probably be to use :first , as you want to find a single element only anyways.

Edit: in your original post, you are not closing the <ul>

Edit 2: remember that the > selector searches for directly following elements, so you cannot find nested elements unless you leave the > step out or specify the selection

Edit 3: as op wants to select the 1 in his ul only, without the appended ul, which is still part of the li containing 1, I believe he has to hack this a little bit:

$(function() {
    console.log($('.mean-nav > ul > li:first').text().replace($('.mean-nav > ul > li:first > ul').text(), '').trim());

Let's rip this apart:

  • console.log logs into the console
  • $('.mean-nav > ul > li:first').text() returns 1 aa bb cc ddee with a lot of whitespace
  • x.replace(y, z) replaces each occurence of y with z in x
  • $('.mean-nav > ul > li:first > ul').text() returns aa bb cc ddee with a lot of whitespace
  • x.trim() removes all newlines, spaces and tabs at the start and end of a string

So what this does is cut the content of the ul inside your li:first out of the content of your li:first , leaving you with, in this example, 1

$('.mean-nav ul li:first').click(function(){
   //Do your stuff

You can also target other children using nth-child(n). For eg.,

$('.mean-nav ul li:nth-child(2)').click(function(){
   //Do your stuff

Try this:

1) $(".mean-nav > ul> li:first-child")


2) $(".mean-nav > ul> li:nth-child(1)")

OR, If you want select first li

3) $(".mean-nav > ul > li:nth-of-type(1)")

To access the first li of ul you need first-child selector


Use nth-first for get only first element.


Please Check after resize window.

 jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(window).resize(function() { jQuery(".mean-nav>ul>li:first").click(function(){ alert(jQuery(this).text()); return false; }); }); }); 
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