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React Native XHR multipart/form-data send data as [object Object]

I'm trying to send a multipart/form-data from React Native (Running on Simulator) to backend server using XHR with the following code

let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', 'http://....url....');
let formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append('title','This is awesome');

However in console log the Request Payload are shown as [object Object]

So I decided to take the same code and put it in an HTML file and run from Chrome browser and Request Payload from console log is showing as below which I was expecting it from React Native

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="title"

This is awesome

I had the same issue and after a day of research I found that we have to apply a polyfill, because React Native environment differs from what you can find in browser or Node.js.

Put this line in your main index file, and you should be good:

global.FormData = global.originalFormData ? global.originalFormData : global.FormData;

for TypeScript define global first:

declare const global: any;

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