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vim re-enter insert mode on CmdWinLeave

I'm trying to map the <Cq> combination to enter/exit the Command Line Window (CmdWin).

But when I leave the CmdWin, I'm not able to return to the insert mode, but vim automatically goes back to the normal mode

In my .vimrc the following snippet is used, but doesn't work.

nmap <C-q> <Esc>:<C-f>
imap <C-q> <Esc><C-q>
au CmdWinLeave * startinsert!

I've also tried with:

au CmdWinLeave * startinsert
au CmdWinLeave * normal

您可以映射: imap <Cq> <Esc>:q<CR>a ,然后在CmdWin中编辑时按<Cq>时它将重新进入插入模式。

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