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Toggle Selected Table Row Highlight on Button Click

I have a simple table with a Select button for each row that when clicked calls a PHP script to update a Session Variable with the ID of the selected Item. Here's the table:

 <tr class="" id="PR9215"> <td>CODE A</td> <td>Fresh Frust</td> <td class="text-center"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Select</button></td> </tr> <tr class="" id="PR9594"> <td>Oranges</td> <td>Fresh Oranges</td> <td class="text-center"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Select</button></td> </tr> <tr class="" id="PR9588"> <td>MANGO</td> <td>Fresh Mango</td> <td class="text-center"><button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm">Select</button></td> </tr> 

and here's the script that it calls:

 $(document).ready(function() { $('button.btn-success').click(function() { var itemID = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id'); // Create a reference to $(this) here: $this = $(this); $.post('updateSelections.php', { itemID: itemID, selectionType: 'yes' }, function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.error) { var ajaxError = (data.text); var errorAlert = 'There was an error updating your selections - ' + ajaxError + '. Please contact Support'; $this.closest('tr').addClass("warning"); $('#alert_ajax_error').html(errorAlert); $("#alert_ajax_error").show(); return; // stop executing this function any further } else { console.log('update successful - success add class to table row'); $this.closest('tr').addClass("success"); $this.closest('tr').removeClass("danger"); //$(this).closest('tr').attr('class','success'); } }).fail(function(xhr) { var httpStatus = (xhr.status); var ajaxError = 'There was an error updating your selections - AJAX request error. HTTP Status: ' + httpStatus + '. Please contact Support'; console.log('ajaxError: ' + ajaxError); $this.closest('tr').addClass("warning"); $('#alert_ajax_error').html(ajaxError); $("#alert_ajax_error").show(); }); }); }); 

This is working when it comes to making the initial selection - the table row is coloured green to indicate it has been selected. I now need to extend this so that when the Select button is clicked a 2nd time it then removes the green table row highlighting and returns it to it's original state.

Now sure how to go about extending the script to achieve this.

You chould achieve that by using a boolean to track the state of the button. Then check the state of the button before taking action.

Ps. You can chain your addClass() and removeClass() methods.

var buttonSelected = false;

    buttonSelected = true;
} else {
    buttonSelected = false;

Check below logic for that:

$('button.btn-success').click(function() {
if ($this.closest('tr').hasClass("first_click")) {
//$( "tr" ).removeClass();
return false;

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