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EXC_BAD_ACCESS When using blocks

Have used block in SecondViewController. Created block as property and added copy attribute. But, It crashes when it reaches **self.didSelectImageInImagePickVC(name);**


@property (nonatomic, copy) void(^didSelectImageInImagePickVC)(NSString *imageName);


NSString *name = [resultArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item];



__typeof(&*self) __weak weakSelfImagePick = self;

[[SecondViewController sharedInstance] setDidSelectImageInImagePickVC:^(NSString *imageName){
    NSLog(@"Image: %@", imageName);

Does anyone have any idea? Thanks in advance.

Try to access secondViewController's exist block as below.

in question your are created new block

[SecondViewController sharedInstance]. didSelectImageInImagePickVC = ^(NSString * imageName) {
        // here your image name


you need to assign argument block to your class's block property.

   self.didSelectImageInImagePickVC = block

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