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How to create an Observable<any[]>?

I need to get to Observable<any[]> . I currently have an observable that looks like this:

        const eventsWatcher = new Observable(observer => {
            try {
                this.socket.on('calendar-events', data => {
            catch (err) {

Basically I need to take the values from this Observable and create a new one that is an array of the values emitted by the existing observable.

I tried

        const arr = [];
        const eventsWatcher = new Observable(observer => {
            try {
                this.socket.on('calendar-events', data => {
            catch (err) {
        }).subscribe(data => {
        return Observable.from(arr);

But that returns an ArrayObservable instead of an Observable<any[]> .

Sorry if I am not describing this well, but rxjs is really hard.

Use the scan operator:

const yourNewObservable = eventsWatcher
    .scan((acc, newItem) => acc.concat(newItem), []);

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