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Input field not updated in Reactive Forms Angular 4

I'm using reactive forms in an Angular application. I have 2 fields, one is a select (named client) and the other one an input (named clientCode) which has to be updated the user selects a new client.

<select formControlName="client">
            <option value="">Client</option>
            <option *ngFor="let item of data.clients" [value]="item.value">{{ item.value }}</option>
          <input type="text" formControlName="clientCode" placeholder="Client Code" value="{{ clientCode$ | async }}">

I'm using valueChanges over client, so that when the user selects a client I get the code associated to that client and it returns it as an Observable (clientCode$) which then updates the input value.

this.clientCode$ = this.summary
      .valueChanges.map(val => this.clientsMap.get(val));

This is working in my screen, as the clientCode is displayed, but the form itself is not updated. Only when I click in the input field and type something is updated.

Is there any way to fix this?


In order to update control model successfully you can use ngModel property instead of value .

It might look like:

[ngModel]="clientCode$ | async"

Plunker Example

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